Oksana Pochapska
4 min readJul 28, 2022
How to crop PDF online?

Probably, sometimes each of us faces the problem of too much white space in PDF files or extra elements (subline / side marks) intended only for you and therefore should be cutted and removed when transferring the file to someone else.

Is it possible to do it quickly, qualitatively, and without spending much time and energy?

Of course, you can try to convert the PDF file into an image (for example, JPG), and then use one of the programs that allow you to edit the image cutting (cropping) off unnecessary elements. This method is also ok, but is more or less productive if your PDF file contains 1–2 pages, and you have a computer / laptop, tablet, where it will be convenient to do such manipulations. By the way, if you have a computer at hand, then, you can crop a PDF file in Adobe Reader (of course, if you use paid version). But if you only have a smartphone in your hands, and you need to process the PDF file quickly and efficiently, then free applications will come to the rescue. One of these is Crop PDF by Aspose.

It gives a possibility to crop PDF online quickly. The application interface is intuitive. It allows you to figure out the algorithm of actions on your own without prompts.

In order to crop PDF file, you have to drop or upload it into the white window located in the center of the page.

After that, the image of the first page of the PDF file will appear on the screen framed by scrolls. With the help of these scroll bars, you can select the parts of the page which have to be cropped.

The fields highlighted in green are exactly the extra element we’re going to crop.

After choosing a part of the page to crop, we can choose the format for saving the new cropped file.

It is possible to save a new file in PDF, JPG, DOCX, PNG, PPTX, HTML, XLSX, BMP formats. To my mind, this list of formats is maximally sufficient. I’m not sure anyone uses formats outside this list very often. As for me, I mostly use the first four ones. Quite rarely I use HTML, XLSX and BMP. But, nevertheless, to have a choice is much better than to have no one. Because who knows what may be needed in an hour or two.

Next, after the format of the new file has been selected, you have to click the “Crop” button. The file will be processed in a few minutes. And the page will offer you to choose one of the options: download a new file, view it online, or immediately send it to an e-mail. The last is very convenient especially if your smartphone’s / laptops / tablet memory is limited.

We can see that the new document (on the right) has narrower fields, than the original ones (on the left).

In the same way, you can cut those parts of the document you do not want to send to anyone.

The entire process takes place exclusively online. So it does not matter what operating system you use. It also doesn’t matter what web browser you prefer. It’s very convenient, especially if you are not very familiar with how the browser works in details and what the difference between operating systems is.

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